When: June 8
Where: Arlene's house
When: 10 AM
Agenda Items (draft)
Reinstate Leo
Pass around contact sheet for updates
Scott P. update
Lock combo for dumpster
Clean up around your immediate home areas
Fill out request for before capital improvements
No driving on all grass areas
Dues increase from $1,200 to $1,500
Spring Clean Up $1,250 (included in the dues increase)
Fall Clean Up? Would we like to do this? $1,500 - $100 each (not included in the dues increase)
Seal stairs again between Leo & Jeff
Lawn Care / Plowing
Parking lot sealing - will pay out of reserve fund
Jill's driveway
Remove picnic table by Jill
Dumpster update
Rabies vaccination to Leo
Copy of cover page of home owners insurance
Deadwood in trees / other tree issues
Renew TPPA membership?
4th of July
Christmas in July, July 20 ($20 yankee swap)
Beach area only available to guests when owner(s) are present - except immediate family